ゴッドファーザー の名言

ゴッドファーザー の概要


  • 招待してくれてありがとう。結婚式の日に、初孫は男の子であることを祈っているよ。


  • A man objects to a plan that disrupts his arrangements, blaming others. Another man seeks help from a friend but is accused of treachery. Despite protests, the truth is revealed, leading to a confrontation where family business is settled, and innocence is denied.

A man objects to a plan that disrupts his arrangements, blaming others. Another man seeks help from a friend but is accused of treachery. Despite protests, the truth is revealed, leading to a confrontation where family business is settled, and innocence is denied.

  • The characters discuss sharing information about affairs. When asked if it’s true, they deny it, and suggest having a drink together.

The characters discuss sharing information about affairs. When asked if it's true, they deny it, and suggest having a drink together.

  • パパへの質問に対して、強力な友人や政治家、金融、法的保護に関する条件交渉が行われる。30%の利益や褒め言葉のやり取りがあり、タッタリアファミリーについても触れられるが、最終的にはDon Corleoneへの尊敬が表明される。

パパへの質問に対して、強力な友人や政治家、金融、法的保護に関する条件交渉が行われる。30%の利益や褒め言葉のやり取りがあり、タッタリアファミリーについても触れられるが、最終的にはDon Corleoneへの尊敬が表明される。

  • A man with good credit wants to buy out a casino and hotel, but a power struggle ensues with the Corleone family. Tensions rise as business deals and alliances are questioned, leading to a confrontation about control and loyalty. Personal relationships are tested amidst a backdrop of organized crime.

A man with good credit wants to buy out a casino and hotel, but a power struggle ensues with the Corleone family. Tensions rise as business deals and alliances are questioned, leading to a confrontation about control and loyalty. Personal relationships are tested amidst a backdrop of organized crime.

  • Barzini’s encroachment worries them in Brooklyn. They contemplate self-protection without triggering conflict. Tessio seeks permission to form his own family. With Michael at the helm, the Don blesses Tessio. The plan is to move to Nevada in six months to break away from Corleone control and avoid Barzini’s influence.

Barzini's encroachment worries them in Brooklyn. They contemplate self-protection without triggering conflict. Tessio seeks permission to form his own family. With Michael at the helm, the Don blesses Tessio. The plan is to move to Nevada in six months to break away from Corleone control and avoid Barzini's influence.

  • ドン・コルレオーネは、招待していただき光栄です。娘の結婚式に初めての男らしい子供を願い、終わることのない忠誠を誓います。そして、娘の花嫁の財布のために誓います。


  • マイキーは、素敵な女性に愛を告げず、再会できないと死ぬと語り、学ぶよう促される。未来の不確実さが示唆される。


  • Two shots in the head. Listen, I want someone exceptional. Find a very capable person and set up that gun. I don’t want my brother just coming out of the toilet with his penis in his hand. The gun should be there. Got it? You’ll drive and pick him up after the job. Let’s go.

Two shots in the head. Listen, I want someone exceptional. Find a very capable person and set up that gun. I don't want my brother just coming out of the toilet with his penis in his hand. The gun should be there. Got it? You'll drive and pick him up after the job. Let's go.

  • あなたが言ったことは、父は他の権力者とは異なり、責任を持つ男はすべて同じだということですが、議員や大統領は人を殺さない。父のやり方は過去のもので、終わりだということを、ケイが知っています。


  • 友人からの依頼で、映画の主役役をジョニーに譲るように要求されるシーン。弁護士は脅すことなく、強引な交渉を試みるが、相手は抵抗し、結局折り合いがつかないまま終わる。


  • 美しい女性が失われ、最後の手段としてギャングのドンに助けを求めた。彼は初めての依頼だと言い、助言や助けを受け入れたいが、何は決して叶えられないと告げた。


  • 警官を殺すべきではない。関わりのある不正な警官だけだ。抗争に巻き込まれた警官が罰を受けるのは素晴らしい話。賄賂を払うこともビジネスの一環。指紋を隠す特殊な銃を用意。音が残ると耳に問題を抱える。


  • マフィアの一員が、ドラッグビジネスへの参加を検討している会議シーン。ソロッツォに関する情報が共有され、麻薬業界での機会が議論される。危険性や利益、競争に関する話が進む中、麻薬ビジネスの未来について模索が始まる。


  • メッセージはシチリアのルカのこと。帰りは不明。


  • あなたは無実だと主張しないでください。それは私を怒らせます。今、誰があなたに近づいたのか、と。


  • 信じることができましたが、今は違います。自由な時代は終わり、力を持つ一部に服従しなければなりません。共産主義者ではないので、サービスの提供には報酬が必要です。


  • Tattagliaの連中をクリーンであると主張せずに会うべき。Barziniは心を読む。Tattagliaは敗北。Barziniの関与知らない。Brianの追跡始めよう。


  • 復讐の是非、息子を取り戻すか否か、そして息子への復讐を放棄するかに関する会話。


  • A man expresses frustration over not receiving a desired role from studio boss Woltz, believing it would help him regain his former status. He discusses his resemblance to the main character in a best-selling book recently adapted into a movie. He feels he wouldn’t even need to act, just be himself.

A man expresses frustration over not receiving a desired role from studio boss Woltz, believing it would help him regain his former status. He discusses his resemblance to the main character in a best-selling book recently adapted into a movie. He feels he wouldn't even need to act, just be himself.

  • コルレオネ氏はイタリア人にとって神聖な代父関係を尊重し、ジョニーに役を与えずに他の仕事を提案するが、役を拒否したら再度頼まないよう要請。ジョニーの台無しした仕事を奪い、彼女に費やした努力を示す。


  • 多額の金を払って情報を手に入れるが、その代わりに娘を失うかもしれないリスクを理解。娘に会いたい。


  • 武器の隠し場所を知っている。殺してほしい。嫌なファミリーの仕事。警察署長を殺したい?個人的な問題。殺すな。待って。


  • 「トム、暴力は好きではない。私は実業家。血は大きな出費だ。」


  • Carloは、妹に再び近づくなと言われる。ケイは彼を待っていない。電話をするべきだと言われる。


  • A father decides to abandon revenge to bring his son back safely due to personal reasons, understanding that his youngest had to leave the country because of a past incident involving Sollozzo. He resolves to arrange his son’s return and clear all false accusations.

A father decides to abandon revenge to bring his son back safely due to personal reasons, understanding that his youngest had to leave the country because of a past incident involving Sollozzo. He resolves to arrange his son's return and clear all false accusations.

  • 銃は置いて、カンノーリは持って行きな。やあ、マイク。やあ、マイキー。


  • I have paid my people extra to avoid illegal business. Someone offered them drugs, promising huge profits with a small investment. They are tempted, but I want to control it to maintain respectability.

I have paid my people extra to avoid illegal business. Someone offered them drugs, promising huge profits with a small investment. They are tempted, but I want to control it to maintain respectability.

  • 男はまだ生きている。5発撃たれたが、生存。不運な事態。取引成立しないなら、あなたも不運。


  • パーソナルではない、事業だけ。凍てつくような冷静さ。トリガーに特製のテープを。狙撃後は速やかに座り、食事を済ませる。急ぎ足で退出し、誰にも直視せず。長いバケーションを取る。


  • Someone asks about an eye injury and threatens to fight, but the situation is defused. They need to pick up someone’s sister, but then an altercation occurs where one person apologizes for starting a fight. Another person takes the blame and apologizes.

Someone asks about an eye injury and threatens to fight, but the situation is defused. They need to pick up someone's sister, but then an altercation occurs where one person apologizes for starting a fight. Another person takes the blame and apologizes.

  • トムは仕事に戻る必要があると言われ、シチリアの伝統で結婚式の日は頼みを断れないと語られる。ドン・コルレオネはこの光栄を感謝する。


  • 戦争終結。ボナセーラを呼ぶよう依頼。トム・ハーゲンを指名。ヴィト・コルレオーネの命を受け、忠誠を示すよう要求。次回葬儀屋へ、サービス提供を要求。力を尽くすよう要求されるが、嫌がる。虐殺を目撃させられる。曜日を数えるところでシーン終了。


  • A character is asked to go home and wait for an important call. They express concerns about a deal happening that night and plans being ruined. Responsibility for a person named Carlo is mentioned, and someone is misunderstood by another character named Mike.

A character is asked to go home and wait for an important call. They express concerns about a deal happening that night and plans being ruined. Responsibility for a person named Carlo is mentioned, and someone is misunderstood by another character named Mike.

  • A person expresses understanding and says judges sent gifts. Wondering about a gift, they call Johnny and mention a wedding invitation from California. Happy to see Johnny but worried he may get into trouble again. Praises Johnny as a good son who sings.

A person expresses understanding and says judges sent gifts. Wondering about a gift, they call Johnny and mention a wedding invitation from California. Happy to see Johnny but worried he may get into trouble again. Praises Johnny as a good son who sings.

  • 安心して、寝ていて。俺が面倒を見る。一緒にいるから。やつらを片付けてくる。手をポケットに入れるふりをして、拳銃があるように。


  • 長い間知り合いだが、今回が初めて助言や助けを求めてきた。友情や尊敬は求めず、金で殺人を依頼するのは不正義だと叱責。敵を作るなら私の敵になる。友達になれば、将来は協力するかもしれない。


  • They enjoy themselves at the policy bank in the Harlem, driving new Cadillacs, paying $50 bets. When they start making a lot of money, trouble was expected. The father did not discuss business at the table in front of the children. Don’t talk, Connie. It’s not good to tell her to be quiet. Got it? Sonny, don’t interrupt. Sonny, Tom, I want to talk after dinner. I think there’s more we can do for the family. Don’t talk business at the table, Michael. Corleone. That’s the Corleones over there. Hey, American. Take me to your American soldiers. Hey hey hey.

They enjoy themselves at the policy bank in the Harlem, driving new Cadillacs, paying $50 bets. When they start making a lot of money, trouble was expected. The father did not discuss business at the table in front of the children. Don't talk, Connie. It's not good to tell her to be quiet. Got it? Sonny, don't interrupt. Sonny, Tom, I want to talk after dinner. I think there's more we can do for the family. Don't talk business at the table, Michael. Corleone. That's the Corleones over there. Hey, American. Take me to your American soldiers. Hey hey hey.

  • I hope you don’t mind the way I repeat this. I can’t help but think about the Barzini family. It’s an old habit. I’ve always lived so as not to be careless. Women and children can be careless, but not men. How is your son? He is fine. Every day, he becomes more like you.

I hope you don't mind the way I repeat this. I can't help but think about the Barzini family. It's an old habit. I've always lived so as not to be careless. Women and children can be careless, but not men. How is your son? He is fine. Every day, he becomes more like you.

  • 電話の技師に依頼して、電話をチェックする。親父が忘れていたことを思い出す。フレドは一家を守るため一生懸命働いた。俺は踊らされる身になりたくない。あなたがやる時だ。時間が足りないが、そこにたどり着く。


  • 裏切り者がバジーニの会議に話を持ってくる。水をかけることもできる。


  • Allow me to think. Let’s see. Balzini will likely strike first. He’ll set up a meeting with someone you trust, ensuring your safety. But at that meeting, you’ll be assassinated. He enjoys wine more than before.

Allow me to think. Let's see. Balzini will likely strike first. He'll set up a meeting with someone you trust, ensuring your safety. But at that meeting, you'll be assassinated. He enjoys wine more than before.

  • 逮捕歴ない、トルコ人、コルレオーネ家の弁護士、探偵、武器保持、原因示さず、タタリア襲撃、城塞、戦争のメッセージ、解決策不要、ガード後の無敵、警察署長射殺破滅、会談要求、武器持てず、謀殺計画、ビジネス、個人的感情、警官殺す個人的、非常に個人的、個人的な感情、殺人命令。
