ダークナイト の名言

ダークナイト の概要


  • 彼らが何を求めているかを理解することが重要。ジョーカーは複雑で、ただ世界が燃えるのを見たいだけ。彼の経験から、論理的でなく感情に訴える人々もいる。最後に、重要な人物の名前が明かされ、バットマンは現場に向かうことを決断する。


  • Bruce introduces Harvey Dent to someone, informed of Dent by Rachel. Dent expresses hope that what Rachel said is not entirely accurate.

Bruce introduces Harvey Dent to someone, informed of Dent by Rachel. Dent expresses hope that what Rachel said is not entirely accurate.

  • Two individuals engage in a physical confrontation, with one encouraging the other to hit them harder, amid sounds of punches and groans. Laughter can be heard in the background.

Two individuals engage in a physical confrontation, with one encouraging the other to hit them harder, amid sounds of punches and groans. Laughter can be heard in the background.

  • Good evening, everyone. Tonight’s entertainment. I have one question. Where is Harvey Dent? Do you know who he is? Put your hands up, pretty boy. Do you know where Harvey is? I want to talk to him. What’s happening outside, Wayne? Oh, we have a panic room.

Good evening, everyone. Tonight's entertainment. I have one question. Where is Harvey Dent? Do you know who he is? Put your hands up, pretty boy. Do you know where Harvey is? I want to talk to him. What's happening outside, Wayne? Oh, we have a panic room.

  • 男性が男に冗談を言い、レイチェルが彼をやめさせようとする。男性は自身の過去を語り、レイチェルに笑顔を求める。バットマンが現れ、男性を止める。男性は抵抗し、バットマンに愛されることを暗示する。最後に男性は降伏するように言われ、マスクを外す。


  • They discuss the scars one of them has and how they got them, reflecting on the funny nature of the world they live in.

They discuss the scars one of them has and how they got them, reflecting on the funny nature of the world they live in.

  • Person A expresses their love for their job, despite the challenges. They initiate a sequence to eject a damaged computer.

Person A expresses their love for their job, despite the challenges. They initiate a sequence to eject a damaged computer.

  • A confrontation unfolds between two adversaries, one unyielding in his principles and the other finding amusement in their constant clash. Despite their differences, they acknowledge their intertwined fates. The city’s resilience in the face of chaos highlights the presence of hope and belief in goodness.

A confrontation unfolds between two adversaries, one unyielding in his principles and the other finding amusement in their constant clash. Despite their differences, they acknowledge their intertwined fates. The city's resilience in the face of chaos highlights the presence of hope and belief in goodness.

  • ナイフを使う理由は、感情を味わうため。最期の姿が真の姿。友達をよく知る者が臆病者を知る。警官が医者を楽しませるが、首の骨が折れる。


  • 彼を追う理由は、今は必要とされないが、ゴッサムが必要なヒーローだと信じるから。彼は守護者であり、私たちのヒーローではない。


  • 手渡して、10分前にやるべきことをやる。格闘をやめて花火を見よう。花火はない、さあ。


  • Ensure all escape routes are covered by additional units. Chechen requests assistance. The Joker reveals his simple tastes for dynamite and gunpowder, explaining his preference for destruction.

Ensure all escape routes are covered by additional units. Chechen requests assistance. The Joker reveals his simple tastes for dynamite and gunpowder, explaining his preference for destruction.

  • Harvey wants his phone back from the thug, who killed six of Harvey’s friends. The thug suffers from pain in his guts and acknowledges the difference between himself, needing to learn manners, and the thug, a freak. Harvey is 20 years old.

Harvey wants his phone back from the thug, who killed six of Harvey's friends. The thug suffers from pain in his guts and acknowledges the difference between himself, needing to learn manners, and the thug, a freak. Harvey is 20 years old.

  • Chechen proposes killing Batman. Mobsters laugh and question why they haven’t done it before. They negotiate payment, with Gambol calling the plan crazy.

Chechen proposes killing Batman. Mobsters laugh and question why they haven't done it before. They negotiate payment, with Gambol calling the plan crazy.

  • アルフレッドは、逮捕される可能性があると語り、ブルースはそれを承知する。


  • The exchange involves a discussion about fairness, living, dying, and bravery between two characters named Reese and Wayne. It highlights a moment when Reese is commended for a brave action.

The exchange involves a discussion about fairness, living, dying, and bravery between two characters named Reese and Wayne. It highlights a moment when Reese is commended for a brave action.

  • Tonights, you become a part of a social experiment. By the magic of diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate, I’m ready to explode you now. Liberty, come over here. Dead. If anyone leaves the boat, you all die. I’ve zeroed in. Each of you has a remote to blow the other boat.

Tonights, you become a part of a social experiment. By the magic of diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate, I'm ready to explode you now. Liberty, come over here. Dead. If anyone leaves the boat, you all die. I've zeroed in. Each of you has a remote to blow the other boat.

  • 父親が思っていたよりもバットマンが助けてくれなかった状況を話し、彼を助けたのは自分だと言います。その後、電話が鳴り、ゴードンが何かを伝えられるように待っている間に、ドアのブザーが鳴ります。


  • The character reveals Ramirez’s involvement in a situation under pressure to protect themselves. They bargain for their release by sharing the information before a tense moment of uncertainty with a gun being cocked.

The character reveals Ramirez's involvement in a situation under pressure to protect themselves. They bargain for their release by sharing the information before a tense moment of uncertainty with a gun being cocked.

  • As time passes, you may witness your transformation into a villain.

As time passes, you may witness your transformation into a villain.

  • 夜が最も暗くなるのは暁の直前であります。そして、バットマンはいつか彼の行動に責任をとるでしょう。しかし、私たちにとっては、その責任は狂人ではなく、他の誰かにあるでしょう。


  • Two characters discuss the concept of eternity and the role of one of them in a complex and morally ambiguous society. Despite differing perspectives on killing and morality, they acknowledge their roles and differences in society’s rules and ethics. The conversation highlights contrasting values and perspectives on life and power dynamics.

Two characters discuss the concept of eternity and the role of one of them in a complex and morally ambiguous society. Despite differing perspectives on killing and morality, they acknowledge their roles and differences in society's rules and ethics. The conversation highlights contrasting values and perspectives on life and power dynamics.

  • Alfred advises Bruce to surrender and give up being Batman, but Bruce realizes the sacrifices he must make. Despite Alfred’s concerns, Bruce decides to continue as Batman alone, acknowledging the burden he must bear. Their exchange reflects a conflict between duty and personal desires.

Alfred advises Bruce to surrender and give up being Batman, but Bruce realizes the sacrifices he must make. Despite Alfred's concerns, Bruce decides to continue as Batman alone, acknowledging the burden he must bear. Their exchange reflects a conflict between duty and personal desires.

  • 主人公はガンボールに対し、彼の道化師を殺すことで50万ドル、生かしておくと100万ドルを提示する場面。


  • 人は善悪を問わず偶然に生まれ、公平な可能性を持つ。世界は残酷で、偏見や先入観を捨てなければならない。


  • Maroni yells as bones crack. He doesn’t know Batman’s whereabouts as they were found. Maroni wheezes in distress.

Maroni yells as bones crack. He doesn't know Batman's whereabouts as they were found. Maroni wheezes in distress.

  • A message is sent about everything burning, having a vision of who this Joker is in a world without Batman. The Mafia accumulates small profits, police try to control it block by block, but it’s boring. The speaker changes their mind, not wanting Mr. Reese to ruin everything. They decide to give someone else a chance to enjoy it. If Coleman Reese isn’t dead in 60 minutes, they will blow up the hospital.

A message is sent about everything burning, having a vision of who this Joker is in a world without Batman. The Mafia accumulates small profits, police try to control it block by block, but it's boring. The speaker changes their mind, not wanting Mr. Reese to ruin everything. They decide to give someone else a chance to enjoy it. If Coleman Reese isn't dead in 60 minutes, they will blow up the hospital.

  • The Joker questions if Batman is truly the real deal. Brian insists Batman is different, to which Joker counters asking why does he dress like him. Brian explains Batman is a symbol that makes people feel safe from trash like Joker, who agrees.

The Joker questions if Batman is truly the real deal. Brian insists Batman is different, to which Joker counters asking why does he dress like him. Brian explains Batman is a symbol that makes people feel safe from trash like Joker, who agrees.

  • 警察長官と別の人物の会話。ハーヴィー・デント行方不明の話題で議論が交わされる。ゲームの提案が出されるが警官と悪党のやりとりとは違う。会話終わると助けを求める声が聞こえる。被害者の情報収集を進めるために頭からではなく他の手段を模索する。


  • 犬をどう迎えるか、ロットワイラーかチワワか、猫には問題ない。アリゾナで1匹見つけた。


  • 息子に危害を加えない理由を尋ねられ、ジョーカーは手品を披露して鉛筆を消す。衝撃を受けた相手に「スーツは高価だぞ」とさりげなく話しかける。


  • Rachelのことは偶然ではなかった。私たちは行動を決めたが、なぜ私だけがすべてを失ったのか。


  • Two characters discuss capturing a bandit in a Burmese forest, deciding to postpone further action.

Two characters discuss capturing a bandit in a Burmese forest, deciding to postpone further action.

  • レイチェルは、本当の気持ちをブルースに伝え、ハーヴィー・デントとの結婚を決意。ゴッサムがバットマンを必要としなくなる日が来ないと信じていたが、もしかするとその日は訪れるかもしれないと感じ始めていた。


  • One person wants money, while another believes the town deserves more sophisticated criminals. The latter vows to provide exactly that.

One person wants money, while another believes the town deserves more sophisticated criminals. The latter vows to provide exactly that.

  • She must leave. Very bad choice of words. Laughter. Rachel’s scream.

She must leave. Very bad choice of words. Laughter. Rachel's scream.

  • 真実だけでは足りない、人々が信念を持つべきときもある。ジェームズは電気の音を聞きながら語る。


  • 人々は真実だけで満足できない。誰かが報いを受ける時が来るかもしれない。電撃のようなエネルギーが満ちている。


  • A message is sent to Gambol claiming they killed the Joker. Negotiations take a dark turn as a man tells a personal story of violence in his family. The Joker recounts a traumatic childhood event involving his unstable father attacking his mother. The conversation escalates to discuss future aggressive plans.

A message is sent to Gambol claiming they killed the Joker. Negotiations take a dark turn as a man tells a personal story of violence in his family. The Joker recounts a traumatic childhood event involving his unstable father attacking his mother. The conversation escalates to discuss future aggressive plans.

  • A conversation between two characters discussing morality, rules, and choices. One character challenges the other to break his own rule and make a difficult choice between two lives. The dialogue ends with a threat and a challenging decision to be made by one of the characters regarding two individuals’ lives.

A conversation between two characters discussing morality, rules, and choices. One character challenges the other to break his own rule and make a difficult choice between two lives. The dialogue ends with a threat and a challenging decision to be made by one of the characters regarding two individuals' lives.

  • A person warns against emotionally investing in the chaos caused by an antagonist. The antagonist taunts about the choices to be made.

A person warns against emotionally investing in the chaos caused by an antagonist. The antagonist taunts about the choices to be made.

  • 息子に「大丈夫かい」と尋ねられ、ジョーカーとデントについて話す。硬い感情を持たずにいたいというハーヴィーに、計画があると主張して混乱が生じる。主人公はただ行動する犬だとし、周囲には計画や陰謀があると訴える。


  • グランピーがジョーカーに疑問を持つ。その後、ボゾはバスの運転手を殺すことを明かすが、警告を受ける。会話は激しさを増し、マネージャーが街の価値観を問いかける。エンジン音が聞こえ、緊張が高まる。


  • The dialogue summarizes a conversation where one person questions another’s plan of secretly fighting criminals at night and wanting to blackmail a wealthy and powerful individual. The speaker encourages the other person to proceed with their plan and asks when they intend to execute it.

The dialogue summarizes a conversation where one person questions another's plan of secretly fighting criminals at night and wanting to blackmail a wealthy and powerful individual. The speaker encourages the other person to proceed with their plan and asks when they intend to execute it.