十二人の怒れる男 の名言

十二人の怒れる男 の概要


  • I was just trying to tell you that excluding personal bias is always difficult. Prejudices always conceal the truth wherever you go. In reality, we don’t really know what the truth is. None of us can truly know the truth. We now feel that the defendant is innocent, but we’re just betting on probabilities. There’s also a chance we could be wrong.

I was just trying to tell you that excluding personal bias is always difficult. Prejudices always conceal the truth wherever you go. In reality, we don't really know what the truth is. None of us can truly know the truth. We now feel that the defendant is innocent, but we're just betting on probabilities. There's also a chance we could be wrong.

  • A group of jurors are ready to begin their deliberations. One juror introduces himself as Davis, while another responds with his name as McCardle. They exchange greetings and bid farewell.

A group of jurors are ready to begin their deliberations. One juror introduces himself as Davis, while another responds with his name as McCardle. They exchange greetings and bid farewell.

  • In a scene, the characters discuss the reliability of a witness who claimed to hear something over the noise of a passing train. They debate the accuracy of the testimony and consider the possibility that the witness may not have actually heard what they claimed due to the loud noise.

In a scene, the characters discuss the reliability of a witness who claimed to hear something over the noise of a passing train. They debate the accuracy of the testimony and consider the possibility that the witness may not have actually heard what they claimed due to the loud noise.

  • One character apologizes, prompting another to question the politeness. The first explains they are both nonchalant, leading to a conversation about their differing perspectives.

One character apologizes, prompting another to question the politeness. The first explains they are both nonchalant, leading to a conversation about their differing perspectives.

  • A tall man tried to provoke my anger, but that proves nothing. I can get easily agitated. He called me a sadistic vengeful man in public. A sane person wouldn’t stay calm. He was just trying to provoke me. Let’s go announce that the jury is deadlocked in the courtroom.

A tall man tried to provoke my anger, but that proves nothing. I can get easily agitated. He called me a sadistic vengeful man in public. A sane person wouldn't stay calm. He was just trying to provoke me. Let's go announce that the jury is deadlocked in the courtroom.

  • Summary: One juror questions the relevance of the murder weapon (a knife) while another insists a witness saw the defendant stab his father. The discussion continues with frustration over the time spent talking rather than making a decision, leading to personal distractions mentioned.

Summary: One juror questions the relevance of the murder weapon (a knife) while another insists a witness saw the defendant stab his father. The discussion continues with frustration over the time spent talking rather than making a decision, leading to personal distractions mentioned.

  • Two characters discuss baseball teams. One asks if the other is a Yankees fan, to which the response is “No, Baltimore.” The conversation confirms that the second person supports the Baltimore Orioles, not the New York Yankees.

Two characters discuss baseball teams. One asks if the other is a Yankees fan, to which the response is "No, Baltimore." The conversation confirms that the second person supports the Baltimore Orioles, not the New York Yankees.

  • パニックがどこで始まり、どこで終わるのか疑問を投げかけられる。有罪の投票に疑問を抱く人物が、どちら側に立つべきか悩む。忠実である必要はなく、ただ質問をする。突発的な考えで、ナイフを取りに戻る可能性も考えられる。


  • もう片側で何が起こっているか見ましょう。証明されたことから、少年の話を信じないのはなぜか質問され、女性の信じられることを指摘される。「紳士方」という表現が使用され、なぜ彼が賢いのか不思議がられる。


  • There was a moment of doubt - silence. The process of questioning in a lengthy and complex murder case unfolds. Premeditated murder is the most serious charge in our court. You heard the testimony, interpreted the law, now your obligation is to distinguish between facts and exaggeration. One life lost, another at stake.

There was a moment of doubt - silence. The process of questioning in a lengthy and complex murder case unfolds. Premeditated murder is the most serious charge in our court. You heard the testimony, interpreted the law, now your obligation is to distinguish between facts and exaggeration. One life lost, another at stake.

  • One character expresses doubt about the defendant’s guilt, while another remains unsure. They discuss the possibility of being wrong and the importance of careful consideration. The dialogue reflects differing perspectives and the gravity of their decision.

One character expresses doubt about the defendant's guilt, while another remains unsure. They discuss the possibility of being wrong and the importance of careful consideration. The dialogue reflects differing perspectives and the gravity of their decision.

  • 12人の陪審員が、少年が犯罪を犯すはずがないと議論する場面。一人の陪審員は、少年が冷静で賢いと主張し、周囲の証言に疑問を投げかける。


  • 会議の場で、被疑者に対する議論が繰り広げられる。一人が証拠を疑問視し、他の人々も当惑する。会話は緊迫感を増していきながら、真実を追求していく。


  • 12人の陪審員が部屋で話し合い。一人が他の陪審員の態度に不満を示す。不能者をめぐる議論が始まる。


  • 一人が急いで決めるのは危険。誤解もあるかもしれない。誤解を認めよう。


  • 他人の非難に立ち向かうことは容易ではない。そのため、彼は支援を求めて行動し、私はそれを承認した。私は彼の行動の動機を尊敬している。


  • 議論の中で、時間の正確さや証言の信頼性が問われています。電気椅子にかけられる重要な証言は厳密でなければならず、疑いが生じています。特定の知識が欠如している可能性も提示されています。


  • 電気椅子に送られる可能性のある供述は正確でなければならないと考えます。彼がその話を聞いていなかった可能性もあります。周囲の騒音が影響しているかもしれません。


  • In the dialogue, one character questions whether the accused boy would publicly admit to a crime. Another character doubts it, suggesting the boy wouldn’t do something so foolish if he were actually guilty, as he is intelligent. It reflects on the boy’s character and the doubt surrounding his guilt.

In the dialogue, one character questions whether the accused boy would publicly admit to a crime. Another character doubts it, suggesting the boy wouldn't do something so foolish if he were actually guilty, as he is intelligent. It reflects on the boy's character and the doubt surrounding his guilt.

  • 彼は無知で英語も得意ではない。フォアマンは有罪から無罪に変えたいと言う。自分は?


  • 重要なのは真実を追求することであり、忠実ではない。ただし、議論を深めるために即興する必要があるかもしれない。被告人の立場になって考えることが肝要。


  • 1人目: 英語が分からない。

フォアマン: 無罪に変更したい。
3人目: 君は何を言っているのか。
1人目: 英語が分からない。
フォアマン: 無罪に変更したい。
3人目: 君は何を言っているのか。