Citazioni di Il padrino

Panoramica di Il padrino

Anni Quaranta. Come è consuetudine, durante il rinfresco per festeggiare le nozze della figlia Conny con Carlo, il “padrino” don Vito Corleone promette assistenza e protezione a familiari e amici. Invia il figliastro Tom Hagen in California per convincer

  • The conversation takes place between two characters, where one expresses gratitude for being invited to the other’s home on his daughter’s wedding day and wishes for their first grandchild to be a boy, leading to an address as “Don” Corleone.

The conversation takes place between two characters, where one expresses gratitude for being invited to the other's home on his daughter's wedding day and wishes for their first grandchild to be a boy, leading to an address as "Don" Corleone.

  • A heated exchange takes place as accusations are thrown and alliances tested. Betrayals are revealed, leading to dire consequences. Despite pleas for mercy, the situation escalates with references to past events and loyalty questioned. Ultimately, the conversation ends with a sense of finality as certain characters meet their fate.

A heated exchange takes place as accusations are thrown and alliances tested. Betrayals are revealed, leading to dire consequences. Despite pleas for mercy, the situation escalates with references to past events and loyalty questioned. Ultimately, the conversation ends with a sense of finality as certain characters meet their fate.

  • The dialogue involves a conversation between two characters discussing business matters and suggesting they both need a drink. One character expresses a need to inquire about the other’s activities, and they agree to have a drink together. The dialogue ends with “Don Corleone” being mentioned.

The dialogue involves a conversation between two characters discussing business matters and suggesting they both need a drink. One character expresses a need to inquire about the other's activities, and they agree to have a drink together. The dialogue ends with "Don Corleone" being mentioned.

  • Un uomo chiede a Don Corleone un milione di dollari in contanti, influenze politiche e protezione legale per un nuovo business. Il Don rifiuta, sostenendo che il business proposto è troppo pericoloso. Il dialogo si conclude con il rifiuto del Don e l’augurio di successo all’uomo.

Un uomo chiede a Don Corleone un milione di dollari in contanti, influenze politiche e protezione legale per un nuovo business. Il Don rifiuta, sostenendo che il business proposto è troppo pericoloso. Il dialogo si conclude con il rifiuto del Don e l'augurio di successo all'uomo.

  • Un uomo offre di comprare un casinò e un hotel, ma viene respinto. Si scopre che il casinò è in perdita e ci sono tensioni tra le famiglie Corleone e Molinari. La discussione si trasforma in conflitto e minacce, con riferimento ai poteri del padrino malato e alle strategie per mantenere il controllo.

Un uomo offre di comprare un casinò e un hotel, ma viene respinto. Si scopre che il casinò è in perdita e ci sono tensioni tra le famiglie Corleone e Molinari. La discussione si trasforma in conflitto e minacce, con riferimento ai poteri del padrino malato e alle strategie per mantenere il controllo.

  • A powerful dialogue where disputes over territory, loyalty, and family leadership unfold. Plans to move to Nevada, change in roles, and concern for betrayal are discussed. Trust, loyalty, and strategic decisions are emphasized as the characters navigate through potential conflicts and alliances within the family.

A powerful dialogue where disputes over territory, loyalty, and family leadership unfold. Plans to move to Nevada, change in roles, and concern for betrayal are discussed. Trust, loyalty, and strategic decisions are emphasized as the characters navigate through potential conflicts and alliances within the family.

  • Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful for the invitation to your daughter’s wedding. I hope for a grandson and promise eternal loyalty to your daughter’s new family. Thank you, Luca, my dearest friend.

Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful for the invitation to your daughter's wedding. I hope for a grandson and promise eternal loyalty to your daughter's new family. Thank you, Luca, my dearest friend.

  • Michael is encouraged to confess his love to a good girl. He expresses his love and fear of dying without seeing her. Sonny advises him to learn not to reveal too much.

Michael is encouraged to confess his love to a good girl. He expresses his love and fear of dying without seeing her. Sonny advises him to learn not to reveal too much.

  • Two shots in the head for each. Listen, I need someone good, very good at hiding that gun. I don’t want my brother leaving that bathroom with just his dick in hand, got it? The gun will be there. Take it and get it back after the job. Let’s move.

Two shots in the head for each. Listen, I need someone good, very good at hiding that gun. I don't want my brother leaving that bathroom with just his dick in hand, got it? The gun will be there. Take it and get it back after the job. Let's move.

  • Il personaggio dice a Kay che suo padre è uguale a qualsiasi altro uomo potente responsabile di molte persone, come senatori e presidenti. Kay non sa quanto sia ingenua, poiché anche loro possono far uccidere persone. Il personaggio afferma che il modo di fare di suo padre è finito e anche lui lo sa.

Il personaggio dice a Kay che suo padre è uguale a qualsiasi altro uomo potente responsabile di molte persone, come senatori e presidenti. Kay non sa quanto sia ingenua, poiché anche loro possono far uccidere persone. Il personaggio afferma che il modo di fare di suo padre è finito e anche lui lo sa.

Two characters discuss a favor for Johnny Fontane in exchange for help with union problems. Despite threats, the wealthy Mr. Woltz refuses to give Fontane a role. The dialogue involves persuasion, implied threats, and an offer of legal services in a tense exchange.

  • He was the light of my life, a beautiful girl. Now she won’t be beautiful anymore, I’m sorry. Two guys were prosecuted, sentenced to three years in prison but released the same day. Seeking justice, he turned to Don Corleone for advice and help, realizing it was the first time he sought his aid.

He was the light of my life, a beautiful girl. Now she won't be beautiful anymore, I'm sorry. Two guys were prosecuted, sentenced to three years in prison but released the same day. Seeking justice, he turned to Don Corleone for advice and help, realizing it was the first time he sought his aid.

  • Un gruppo discute sull’uccisione di un poliziotto corrotto coinvolto con la malavita. Si parla di discrezione, del grilletto rumoroso, e dell’importanza di evitare tracce. Il dialogo rivela la natura distante e professionale dei personaggi.

Un gruppo discute sull'uccisione di un poliziotto corrotto coinvolto con la malavita. Si parla di discrezione, del grilletto rumoroso, e dell'importanza di evitare tracce. Il dialogo rivela la natura distante e professionale dei personaggi.

  • Sollozzo, known as “The Turk,” is skilled with a knife in business. He deals drugs, cultivating poppies in Turkey and making heroin in Sicily. Needing cash and police protection, he offers a share of his business. The Tattaglia family supports him in New York. The discussion explores the potential profits and risks of entering the drug trade.

Sollozzo, known as "The Turk," is skilled with a knife in business. He deals drugs, cultivating poppies in Turkey and making heroin in Sicily. Needing cash and police protection, he offers a share of his business. The Tattaglia family supports him in New York. The discussion explores the potential profits and risks of entering the drug trade.

  • The conversation implies a threatening message in Sicilian dialect, indicating Luca Brasi’s impending danger. The speaker leaves, asking when the other person will be home later.

The conversation implies a threatening message in Sicilian dialect, indicating Luca Brasi's impending danger. The speaker leaves, asking when the other person will be home later.

  • Don’t tell me you’re innocent. It insults my intelligence. It makes me very angry. Now, who approached you?

Don't tell me you're innocent. It insults my intelligence. It makes me very angry. Now, who approached you?

  • In the dialogue, a character expresses belief in the past and present change in times. They discuss Don Corleone’s influence over judges and politicians in New York, emphasizing the need for mutual benefits and reminding that they are not communists.

In the dialogue, a character expresses belief in the past and present change in times. They discuss Don Corleone's influence over judges and politicians in New York, emphasizing the need for mutual benefits and reminding that they are not communists.

  • During a discussion about the Tattaglia family, they decide to mention but not insist on the intermediaries having clean records. Barzini will understand without being told directly. Tattaglia is a protector, unable to defeat Santino. They find out that Barzini was behind it all along.

During a discussion about the Tattaglia family, they decide to mention but not insist on the intermediaries having clean records. Barzini will understand without being told directly. Tattaglia is a protector, unable to defeat Santino. They find out that Barzini was behind it all along.

  • One character questions the value of seeking revenge, asking if it will bring back their son or her lover. The other character decides to give up seeking revenge for the sake of her son.

One character questions the value of seeking revenge, asking if it will bring back their son or her lover. The other character decides to give up seeking revenge for the sake of her son.

  • Summary: A character expresses uncertainty and seeks a pivotal role in a film to regain success. Despite challenges, advice from a patriarch emphasizes family over career. Plans are made to secure the desired role as the character is encouraged to focus on family and trust in the patriarch’s offer.

Summary: A character expresses uncertainty and seeks a pivotal role in a film to regain success. Despite challenges, advice from a patriarch emphasizes family over career. Plans are made to secure the desired role as the character is encouraged to focus on family and trust in the patriarch's offer.

  • Mr. Corleone is the godfather of Johnny, a sacred relationship for Italians. However, he refuses a favor for Johnny regarding a movie role, as Johnny once ruined a valuable talent groomed by Woltz International for years, proving he is not heartless.

Mr. Corleone is the godfather of Johnny, a sacred relationship for Italians. However, he refuses a favor for Johnny regarding a movie role, as Johnny once ruined a valuable talent groomed by Woltz International for years, proving he is not heartless.

  • Someone is willing to pay for the information, but it could put your daughter at risk of losing a father instead of gaining a husband. I want to meet your daughter.

Someone is willing to pay for the information, but it could put your daughter at risk of losing a father instead of gaining a husband. I want to meet your daughter.

  • Un uomo vuole uccidere un capitano di polizia che ha schiaffeggiato, ma un altro lo avverte di non prendere la cosa troppo personalmente. Discutono su vicinanza e slancio emotivo nell’omicidio pianificato, mentre un terzo tenta di mediare il conflitto interno del protagonista.

Un uomo vuole uccidere un capitano di polizia che ha schiaffeggiato, ma un altro lo avverte di non prendere la cosa troppo personalmente. Discutono su vicinanza e slancio emotivo nell'omicidio pianificato, mentre un terzo tenta di mediare il conflitto interno del protagonista.

  • A dialogue expressing reluctance towards violence, emphasizing a business-oriented mindset, and marveling at a person’s survival after being shot five times.

A dialogue expressing reluctance towards violence, emphasizing a business-oriented mindset, and marveling at a person's survival after being shot five times.

  • Carlo is warned by Michael not to touch his sister again, or he will be killed. Kay unexpectedly enters and is advised to call.

Carlo is warned by Michael not to touch his sister again, or he will be killed. Kay unexpectedly enters and is advised to call.

  • A father considers seeking revenge to bring back his son, but decides against it for selfish reasons. He plans to clear his son’s name and bring him safely back to the country.

A father considers seeking revenge to bring back his son, but decides against it for selfish reasons. He plans to clear his son's name and bring him safely back to the country.

  • One character urges another to leave the gun and take the pastries. The second character is called by name.

One character urges another to leave the gun and take the pastries. The second character is called by name.

  • Per anni ho pagato il mio popolo extra per evitare affari sporchi. Ma qualcuno propone un investimento di pochi migliaia di dollari per guadagnarne molti di più distribuendo droga. Il protagonista è contrario, desiderando mantenere il controllo e la moralità. Vuole evitare che la droga finisca nelle mani dei bambini.

Per anni ho pagato il mio popolo extra per evitare affari sporchi. Ma qualcuno propone un investimento di pochi migliaia di dollari per guadagnarne molti di più distribuendo droga. Il protagonista è contrario, desiderando mantenere il controllo e la moralità. Vuole evitare che la droga finisca nelle mani dei bambini.

  • A person is shot five times and still alive. It’s unlucky for one speaker, warning the other of the consequences if they don’t conduct business.

A person is shot five times and still alive. It's unlucky for one speaker, warning the other of the consequences if they don't conduct business.

  • Un personaggio pianifica un omicidio verso un’altra famiglia mafiosa. Consiglia di agire con cautela per evitare sospetti. Suggerisce una finta fuga e un incontro con il nemico per risolvere le dispute. Si riflette sulle conseguenze e si prepara a affrontare la situazione.

Un personaggio pianifica un omicidio verso un'altra famiglia mafiosa. Consiglia di agire con cautela per evitare sospetti. Suggerisce una finta fuga e un incontro con il nemico per risolvere le dispute. Si riflette sulle conseguenze e si prepara a affrontare la situazione.

  • Un personaggio chiede cos’è successo all’occhio dell’altro, che minimizza il problema. Scoppia una lite, culminando in un’aggressione. La persona colpita chiede perdono e tenta di impedire ulteriori azioni violente. Viene proposto di chiamare un medico, ma si fa presente il rischio per un bambino non ancora nato. Si discute anche di scommesse sportive.

Un personaggio chiede cos'è successo all'occhio dell'altro, che minimizza il problema. Scoppia una lite, culminando in un'aggressione. La persona colpita chiede perdono e tenta di impedire ulteriori azioni violente. Viene proposto di chiamare un medico, ma si fa presente il rischio per un bambino non ancora nato. Si discute anche di scommesse sportive.

  • A man needs to return to work, but his friend expresses reluctance. It is explained that no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter’s wedding day.

A man needs to return to work, but his friend expresses reluctance. It is explained that no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter's wedding day.

  • Tom Hagen, representing Vito Corleone, requests Bonasera’s urgent help to prepare Sonny’s body for the funeral in the movie scene. Sonny was brutally killed, and his mother should not see him in that state. Bonasera agrees to fulfill this task out of respect and loyalty to Don Corleone.

Tom Hagen, representing Vito Corleone, requests Bonasera's urgent help to prepare Sonny's body for the funeral in the movie scene. Sonny was brutally killed, and his mother should not see him in that state. Bonasera agrees to fulfill this task out of respect and loyalty to Don Corleone.

  • Return home. Wait for my call. It’s important. I’ll be away for a couple of days. Safe travels, Mom. We’re headed to Brooklyn. Hope Mike strikes a good deal tonight. I’m sure he will. Tom says the boss will come separately. Says you two must go ahead. Hell, he can’t do that. Ruins all my plans. Well, that’s what he said. I can’t go either, Sal. Tell Mike it was just business. I always liked him. He understands that. Sorry, Sal. Tom, you bail me out of trouble, for old times’ sake. I can’t do that, Sally. You have to answer to Santino Carlo. Mike, you got it all wrong.

Return home. Wait for my call. It's important. I'll be away for a couple of days. Safe travels, Mom. We're headed to Brooklyn. Hope Mike strikes a good deal tonight. I'm sure he will. Tom says the boss will come separately. Says you two must go ahead. Hell, he can't do that. Ruins all my plans. Well, that's what he said. I can't go either, Sal. Tell Mike it was just business. I always liked him. He understands that. Sorry, Sal. Tom, you bail me out of trouble, for old times' sake. I can't do that, Sally. You have to answer to Santino Carlo. Mike, you got it all wrong.

  • Un amico promette regali; preoccupati per ospite. Reunion tra amici, alcuni lontani, uno amato. Preoccupazione per un amico che potrebbe essere nei guai. Celebrano un figlioccio fedele che canta.

Un amico promette regali; preoccupati per ospite. Reunion tra amici, alcuni lontani, uno amato. Preoccupazione per un amico che potrebbe essere nei guai. Celebrano un figlioccio fedele che canta.

  • Sure, in the dialogue, a son reassures his father by telling him to stay calm and that he will take care of him. He urges his father to trust him and act as if he has a gun in his pocket.

Sure, in the dialogue, a son reassures his father by telling him to stay calm and that he will take care of him. He urges his father to trust him and act as if he has a gun in his pocket.

  • Two old acquaintances have a tense conversation where one expresses disappointment over the lack of genuine friendship, highlighting a request for a murder. The other emphasizes respect and loyalty, offering a potential future favor. Loyalty and respect are crucial, hinting at a future favor to be asked and granted.

Two old acquaintances have a tense conversation where one expresses disappointment over the lack of genuine friendship, highlighting a request for a murder. The other emphasizes respect and loyalty, offering a potential future favor. Loyalty and respect are crucial, hinting at a future favor to be asked and granted.

  • The discussion is about concerns over black people spending lavishly with money from illegal activities, leading to trouble. The characters emphasize the importance of family privacy in business matters, with Sonny expressing desire to contribute more. A stranger requests help immigrating to America, sparking further tension among the group.

The discussion is about concerns over black people spending lavishly with money from illegal activities, leading to trouble. The characters emphasize the importance of family privacy in business matters, with Sonny expressing desire to contribute more. A stranger requests help immigrating to America, sparking further tension among the group.

  • A man reassures another about discussing the Barzini business, expressing hope that it’s not a bother due to it being an old habit. They both confirm that they are fine with the conversation.

A man reassures another about discussing the Barzini business, expressing hope that it's not a bother due to it being an old habit. They both confirm that they are fine with the conversation.

  • The dialogue is about a conversation where the father expresses concern and disappointment about his children’s involvement in their family’s criminal activities. He had hoped his son would lead differently but acknowledges the challenges. Time constraints prevent immediate change, but the son reassures his father they will get there eventually.

The dialogue is about a conversation where the father expresses concern and disappointment about his children's involvement in their family's criminal activities. He had hoped his son would lead differently but acknowledges the challenges. Time constraints prevent immediate change, but the son reassures his father they will get there eventually.

  • Listen now. Anyone who comes to you with this meeting from Barzini is a traitor. Don’t forget. Put it on the tree. - Can I water these? - Yes.

Listen now. Anyone who comes to you with this meeting from Barzini is a traitor. Don't forget. Put it on the tree. - Can I water these? - Yes.

  • Attendi. Barzini attaccherà. Avrai un incontro con un fidato, garantendo sicurezza. Ma verrai ucciso durante l’incontro.

Attendi. Barzini attaccherà. Avrai un incontro con un fidato, garantendo sicurezza. Ma verrai ucciso durante l'incontro.

  • A lawyer protects Vito Corleone from organized crime. A proposal for peace is rejected, leading to a plan to eliminate key rivals. Michael steps in, ready to kill to protect his family. Clemenza plans an ambush during a public meeting. The tension rises as personal vendettas clash with business decisions.

A lawyer protects Vito Corleone from organized crime. A proposal for peace is rejected, leading to a plan to eliminate key rivals. Michael steps in, ready to kill to protect his family. Clemenza plans an ambush during a public meeting. The tension rises as personal vendettas clash with business decisions.